How To Be Better Prepared For The Next Time You Talk With An Unbeliever
When Jesus left this earth to ascend back into Heaven, He left us with what is called the Great Commission. “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Ever since that time, Christians have been learning how to talk with an unbeliever about their faith. Glimpsing The Importance Of Our Mission If you are worried that you might be the…
Encouraging Bible Verses For The First-Year Homeschool Mom
*This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through these links. You can read our disclosure policy here. Thanks for your support of this ministry!* This fall marks the beginning of a new season of life here in our home. In a few short weeks, we will be beginning to homeschool preschool with our oldest child. Honestly, I have no idea how it snuck up on me so quickly! When did she grow up so much? Why is she asking to read letters so often? Where did my baby girl go? Cue a few mama tears… However, I am so excited…
Steps To Share Your Christian Faith When You Aren’t Prepared
*This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through these links. You can read our disclosure policy here. Thanks for your support of this ministry!* Do you worry that someone is going to ask you a question about your Christian faith and you won’t know the answer? Perhaps you avoid interacting with a person just because you know they have beliefs that differ so greatly from your own? And you know that if they find out you are a Christian, they will want to talk about why you believe that “crazy theory of a theistic being?” Maybe you have…
Natural Points In Your Day To Hit The Reset Button
*This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through these links. You can read our disclosure policy here. Thanks for your support of this ministry!* Have you ever noticed that there are some days where you just wish you could push a button and redo the whole day? I know I have! Especially now that I have young kids. But even back in my seemingly blissful easy days of singleness, I found there were days I wanted to just start over! Days get filled with bad attitudes. Poor decisions were made. Patient responses were lacking. Chaos is happening all…
Amazing Amazon Products For The Christian Woman
With Amazon’s Prime Day less than a week away, I must admit I am doing just a little bit more browsing on Amazon than normal. I mean, you never know when a great deal could pop up, right? 🙂 As a Christian woman/wife/mom, there are so many great products available through Amazon that can help you grow in your Christian faith as well as fill your home with great Christian products. Sign Up For A Free Amazon Prime 30 Day Trial Don’t have Amazon Prime yet? Then be sure to sign up for Amazon Prime (One Year Membership) here. If you are hoping to score some Prime Day deals…
The Best Books Every Christian Woman Should Read
Ever since I can remember, I have loved reading! Books have been apart of my life in every way imaginable. However, one of the most important roles books has played in my life is helping me grow in my Christian faith. Don’t get me wrong. Reading my Bible is still the best way to grow in my faith but beyond that there were so many books that helped bring the Truth found in God’s Word come alive for me in fascinating ways. If you are a Christian woman looking to grow in your Christian faith, please check out these books! *This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small…
How To Pray For The Difficult People In Your Life
Are there difficult people in your life who just makes everything miserable? Perhaps even the mention of their name gives you a tension headache? Maybe something happens to trigger a memory about what this person did. Instantly you are filled with anger and bitterness just as if it happened yesterday. Bitterness Is Planted Ten years ago, I was working at a local grocery store in town to pay my way through college. One day, due to a last-minute schedule change made my the head manager, I came in two hours later than the originally scheduled time. Unfortunately, the head manager that had made the change forgot to write it…
Why We Need To Celebrate Christian Dads
The Unsung Christian Hero: Dad! Yesterday, I had a emergency church board meeting that I had to attend. The topic of which was going to be a very challenging subject and one that no one was wanting to address. Since I am a part of the church board, it meant all the sudden my husband had to take on all the responsibilities of cleaning up the kids’ supper messes, bathing, jammies, story times, and tucking kids in by himself. This after he had been up since 5 that morning and done a full, long day of work. Normally, we do the bedtime routine together and it takes half the…
Decisions I Made As A Single Woman That Continue To Bless My Marriage
*This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through these links. You can read our disclosure policy here. Thanks for your support of this ministry!* I still remember the day clearly. My 12-year-old self had recently finished reading I Kissed Dating Goodbye. Within my heart was a desire to be set apart from the world. For starters, I decided to save myself for my future husband. In my eagerness, I even plastered the verse from Proverbs on my bedroom wall, “She does her husband good, not evil, all the day of her life.” In my decision to do my husband…
The Most Joy-filled Moments In My Day
There are rare moments when all the laundry in my house is completely caught up. While I get a quick sense of glee over this fact, it is not the most joy-filled moment of my day. Sometimes my counters can actually be found clean of all snack and meal debris and the sink does not have a single dirty dish in it. As a person who values a clean kitchen and dining area, I get a sense of satisfaction from the sight. However, this is not the most joy-filled moment of my day. Once a week, I enjoy stepping back and admiring my freshly cleaned…