5 Practical Ways To Show You Love Your Husband
Going into marriage, I knew that love would be played out in practical ways within our marriage. However, I had no idea how much the practical side of showing love to my husband would be necessary to keep our marriage running smoothly! Personally, I am really bad at displaying my love in practical ways to my husband. When it comes to grand displays, I can sometimes nail it but those little gestures that daily remind him how much I really do love him are few and far between it seems. So, today I am sharing five simple ways that I have found to daily demonstrate my love to my husband…
The Five Resources That Improved My Prayer Life
What Christian woman doesn’t want a better prayer life? We are relationship-orientated creatures to begin with and we crave the relationship with our Creator and Lord most of all. Yet, somehow the precious time of communication with God is often pushed to the side when it is what we need the most in our busy, frustrating, crazy lives. Honestly, I wish I could say that my prayer life was so much better when I was single with no husband or kids threatening every quiet moment of my life but that was not the case. Yes, I had the opportunity for many more quiet times with God but I failed…
Bible Verses To Help Us Refocus On Jesus During The Christmas Season
The Christmas season is known for its hectic pace. There is shopping for gifts, eating gifts that you receive, wrapping gifts to give, decorating your house for Christmas, baking cookies to eat, caroling with friends, visiting family, attending work parties, eating food at parties, cooking for family and parties, cleaning up, practicing for Christmas programs, performing Christmas programs, and did I mention eating?? Whew, it is no wonder that as Christian women, we lose our focus on the true meaning of the season in amongst all those crazy moments of busyness. *This post contains affiliate links to help keep the ministry of Ambitions for Christ in operation. You can…
Current Reads-God’s Crime Scene for Kids
Does anyone else get excited about teaching their kids cool new things about God and the Bible? Like not just normal excited but nerdy, way too crazy excited so you read ahead even if it will be several years down the road? Nope. Just me. Good. Glad to know I am insane. 🙂 Okay, in full disclosure, I received this book as free gift from the author and publisher in exchange for a review. For several years, I have followed J. Warner Wallace on Facebook and his books have been on my Goodreads To Read list for at least the past six years now but I have never actually read…
The ABCs of Thankfulness for a Christian Mom
Ever since I can remember I have rejoiced over the time of year leading up to Thanksgiving. Cozy evenings with my family in front of the fireplace reading and playing games in the firelight. Piles of leaves that I would stomp through for hours on end! (This one has lost some of the enchantment now that I am an adult in charge of the raking rather than just a cute little “helper.” :)) Although now I delight in watching my kids and dog carry on the tradition! And most of all, the change of pace. We would slow down from the busy planting and harvesting seasons on…
A Christian Woman’s Response To What The Bible Has To Say About Alcohol
What does the Bible have to say about alcohol? Should Christians ever drink? Is getting drunk okay? Does the Bible ever mention alcohol in a favorable way? Let’s dig into God’s Word today and see for ourselves what the Bible has to say about alcohol! My Personal Background With Alcohol First, let’s get this on the table. I lived a sheltered childhood. Growing up in the middle of nowhere on my family’s farm/ranch operation, we didn’t have hired hands so we never really got away for trips or vacations like most people do. (Trips were all based on traveling to a bull sale or to purchase a new…
The Ultimate Guide of Christian Gift Ideas For Toddler Girls
Do you find yourself stumbling over the mountain of stuffed animals your sweet toddler daughter has managed to accumulate in her short life span? Or perhaps you find yourself frustrated with how quickly toys break or loose their appeal after being given? Honestly, as a Christian mom, are you disgusted with the message that some toys are sending to your daughter? And, speaking as a book lover who loves to give books to my kids, I am shocked at the amount of vigilance necessary to find books that present a Godly, Christian worldview (i.e., skipping the millions of years talk, what about when someone has two mommies or daddies,…
Three Ways To Share Your Christian Faith At Halloween
Halloween is tricky time of year for Christians. We know we are supposed to share our Christian faith at Halloween just like any other time of the year. However, as Christians, we also know we are not to condone things that are not honoring to God. Honestly, the tension and frustration can cause Christians to swing to either extreme. Crazy Extremes Some Christians swing to full involvement and endorsement of the holiday to the point where they are not any different than anyone else in the culture in how they celebrate Halloween. Their houses are lit up with the creepiest, most violent displays. A skimpy suggestive costume to…
Four Christian Thanksgiving Activities for Toddlers
Ever since I can remember, I have loved Thanksgiving! Perhaps some of my childish delight was due to the fact that my birthday occasionally happens to fall on the actual holiday. However, even as I have grown older (and a little less birthday obsessed) I find the season surrounding Thanksgiving to be magical! Now that I am a mom, I couldn’t wait to find ways to share this wonderful season  with my kids, especially as my oldest is now entering the curiosity, question-filled stages of toddler hood. Below are some ways that we can use this season to teach the sweet (and sometimes terror-like) toddlers in our home how…
Six Books That Will Train You How To Defend Your Christian Faith
My mom loves to call me with computer-related questions. She assumes that because I am under 30 I will automatically know all things computer related. Little does she realize that I have a very small grasp on technology, nor do I know how to diagnose any computer issues via a quick description on the phone. Most of the time when she does call me, I end up googling her exact words in hopes that something will magically pop up and help me. So far, that method has not worked. After calling me, my mom’s next step is calling the local tech wizard repair man. The guy can fix computers…