• Ambitious Motherhood

    5 Verses For The Discouraged Christian Mom

      What discouraged Christian mom hasn’t had days where she just wants to crawl back in bed and pull the covers over her head? Motherhood is a biggest job you as a female will ever undertake. It is a life long commitment to love and guide and train and care for another human being! That is HUGE! With great responsibility comes lots of work. Work is a good thing but it can become exhausting and soul crushing if we let it. Especially for Christian moms who are trying to live up to their own expectations as well as the expectations of others within their family, school, and church communities. Today…

  • Ambitious Marriage

    How To Deal With Loneliness Within A Christian Marriage

      This past week marked five years of marriage to my wonderful husband. To be honest, I can’t believe that five years has already gone by! How is that possible? Looking back, it seems to have flown by but there were some periods that felt like they would never end when we were in the midst of them. As I have reflected on these past five years, I definitely will vouch for the fact that married life is a wonderful gift from God. There is a oneness with my husband that no other human relationship can rival and I love the beauty of our marriage. And I want to make…

  • Ambitious Faith

    Why Prayer Needs To Be A Christian’s Knee Jerk Reaction

    Do you ever wonder why Christians are supposed to pray? Why do we need to tell God our needs even if He already knows what we need before we ask? Does God even hear and answer our prayers? Should I really talk to God about the seemingly small “stuff” in my life? During the course of the writing of that first paragraph, my daughter approached me to ask if she could “swish” a dog hair in the trash can, brought me a book that so we could read together, and is currently sitting in my lap “helping” me type this post. As her mom, I am thrilled that I am…

  • Ambitious Homemaking

    How To Remove Spiritual Pollutants From Your Home

      Flies annoy me to no end. Ants are detestable. Spiders just disgust me. Mice are filthy varmints-let the cats eat them! Snakes make me want to leave this planet and never return. They all have one thing in common-none of these critters are allowed in my home! That is my rule. Unfortunately, these little critters don’t read my rule book. They come in my home anyway. (The nerve of them!) Which is why tomorrow the exterminator is coming to spray for the latest assault from our neighborhood ant community. After some extensive googling for kid-friendly options to keep the ants at bay, I couldn’t help but compare this scenario to…

  • Ambitious Homemaking

    How To Stop Bad Attitudes From Spreading Throughout Your Family

      Have you ever seen the effects that one bad attitude can have on your family?   This past week, my husband caught a nasty head cold (in July-which is really annoying!) For several days, I cleaned every possible surface with disinfecting wipes. We washed our hands and kept dirty tissues safely disposed of away from the kids. Three times a day, my daughter was eating an orange with her meal. Unfortunately, the germs still made their way into my toddler’s mouth. And from there, it was just a matter of time until this Mommy started to feel a scratchy throat and experienced the sniffles. Yesterday, our two month old…

  • Ambitious Thought Life,  Current Reads

    Current Reads-The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel

    As Christians, can we defend our faith from the world’s critiques? Are there too many objections to our faith to make it a valid belief system? In his book The Case for Faith, Lee Strobel goes on a journalistic investigation to determine answers to eight of the biggest objections to the Christian faith. A few weeks ago, I stumbled across a copy of this book at a garage sale. I really enjoyed The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel and we own the The Case for Christ Study Bible. Thus, when I saw another book by Lee Strobel, I knew I wanted to read it too! Book Overview Christians face…

  • Ambitious Faith,  Ambitious Thought Life

    Thought of the Week-July 7, 2017

    Yesterday, my 18 month old lost a button off the back of her shirt. I didn’t notice it missing until after lunch time. That left a whole six hour time frame of when she could have lost it! My Mommy alert kicked into high gear. This was a tiny, shiny red button. It was total choking hazard 101! After several deep breaths to keep myself from panicking, I started a thorough search of our house. As I searched it occurred to me that I had seen the button as I rubbed her back before nap time on the couch. Sure enough, underneath the couch cushions was a bright shiny red…

  • Ambitious Faith

    How To Obtain Spiritual Guidance In Your Christian Walk

      Several years ago, I was involved in a local Christian Teen Retreat. One of the games that was created taught me the importance of accepting spiritual guidance in my Christian walk. Local farmers donated the use of their large round bales to create a giant maze. (It was pretty epic!) The day of the lesson, we blind folded the students and had them work their way through the maze. To add to the challenge, there were two people on top of the hay bales shouting instructions to the kids. Some of the instructions they shouted were correct, other instructions were not. The kids had to decide which voice to…

  • Ambitious Faith

    Prayers to Pray in Every Room of Your Home

    Do you hear stories of mothers who are prayer warriors for their children, their husband, their friends, and their church families? Ever feel like you fall short in that area? I know this is true for me! Prayer Warrior-In-Training It is really hard to sit down for a time of focused prayer when two little kids want my attention. If the kids are sleeping, I must admit that my prayer times often turn to nap times if I sit still for 30 seconds or so. Plus, my mind wanders to things I should be doing and I get distracted from actually praying. Honestly, my biggest problem, I just simply forget…