How To Obtain Spiritual Guidance In Your Christian Walk
Several years ago, I was involved in a local Christian Teen Retreat. One of the games that was created taught me the importance of accepting spiritual guidance in my Christian walk.
Local farmers donated the use of their large round bales to create a giant maze. (It was pretty epic!)
The day of the lesson, we blind folded the students and had them work their way through the maze. To add to the challenge, there were two people on top of the hay bales shouting instructions to the kids. Some of the instructions they shouted were correct, other instructions were not. The kids had to decide which voice to listen to-if they would listen to a voice at all.
Being the ambitious, young, and well-rested individual that I was at the time, I decided to join my group of kids in the maze blind folded. You know, just to get the full affect of it myself.
Whoa! Pretty soon I was disorientated. I couldn’t distinguish who to listen to. If I tried to feel my way around on my own, I only became more hopelessly lost (and claustrophobic!) Towards the end of the maze we had leaders who were guides. They would take our hands and guide us out.
Truthfully, it was the most relieving feeling ever when I finally didn’t have to figure things out on my own in that maze!
Philip Guides a Ethiopian Eunuch
A few days ago, my Bible reading for the day was from Act 8:26-31. This passage jumped off the page at me!
“Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, ‘Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.’ This is a desert place. And he rose and went. And there was an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure. He had come to Jerusalem to worship and was returning, seated in his chariot, and he was reading the prophet Isaiah. And the Spirit said to Philip, ‘Go over and join this chariot.’ So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked, ‘Do you understand what you are reading?’ And he said, ‘How can I, unless someone guides me?’ And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.”
I love reading and studying my Bible. However there are definitely times in my spiritual walk where I feel more like I am lost in the disorientating hay bale maze waiting for someone to come guide me out of the confusion.
Thankfully, God does provide us spiritual guidance. Let’s explore the main places we can find this guidance!
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The Holy Spirit
Okay, I know this seems head-smacking “duh” obvious. However, it is amazing how easy it is to overlook this key relationship in our Christian life!
When Jesus left this earth after the Resurrection, He left us with a Helper-the Holy Spirit. Every time you open the Scriptures, stop and pray for the Holy Spirit to show you new insights. As I pray this prayer and truly meditate on what I have read, the Holy Spirit does not fail to show me truths that I need.
If you want to know more about the role the Holy Spirit plays in the Christian’s life, I suggest that you check out The Helper by Catherine Marshall.
The Bible
There are many ways the Holy Spirit can speak to us. The main way He chooses to speak to our souls is directly through the Truth found in the Bible. Again, I know this sounds so elementary. Still, this is such a vital key that I can not stress enough the importance of studying God’s Word for yourself!
If studying your Bible sounds like a huge chore or is simply something daunting that make you feel overwhelmed, check out His Word Alone by Summer Lacy and Women of the Word
by Jen Wilkin. These great resources have given me the tools necessary to actually study the Bible for myself!
The Church of Believers
Philip was the one God had chosen to lead the Ethiopian eunuch to an understanding of the Scripture. We too should be willing to turn to other Christians.
Look around your church or Bible study group. Search for a Christian woman who lives for God faithfully. Approach her and ask if she would be available to meet with you on a regular basis to study Scripture. If you don’t see such a woman in your life right now, pray and ask God to bring such a person into your life.
Also, be warned, it is hard to ask for instruction from others. Pride can really rear its ugly head. Prepare your heart to accept teaching from a strong believer who will encourage and challenge you.
One other side note, be on guard against false teachers! Pray that God will give you discernment as to who you should approach and make sure the words of the believers are in line with the truth found in the Bible.
The Knowledge of Others
Seek books to read, sermons or podcasts to listen to, or blogs (like this one! 🙂 ) that will help you gain understanding in specific areas of your spiritual walk. Ask for recommendations from your mentor or pastor. Check Goodreads for suggested reading. There are tons of resources out there-don’t be shy in using them!
This is at the bottom of the list for a reason. It is not as personal as the others. That does not mean it is not important but the others should be given priority!
Your Turn!
In the comments below, tell me about a time spiritual guidance made all the difference for you!
Also, feel free to leave some of your favorite recommendations of books, sermons, blogs, etc!
Thanks for stopping by!