Questions Every Christian Should Ask When Watching TV
Just this past week, there was the announcement that the television show Arthur was showing an episode featuring the gay wedding of Arthur’s school teacher. Growing up, I enjoyed watching Arthur. Seeing the news that this change was coming was certainly frustrating.
Reading the comments concerning the announcement was even more saddening to me.
Hateful Comments
For starters, many Christians were spewing hate-filled comments to people who said they were going to watch it.
Now I understand their frustration. Evil is rearing up so much and being geared to such young ages. As a Christian mom, it is beyond maddening at times when you find another area (like your kid’s favorite TV show) that is being compromised.
However, we must remember that mean-spirited comments made online will not do anything to win someone over to Christ (and eventually to Godly lifestyle choices.)
While there can be times and places to take a stance for the Christian faith, remember to do it with kind words. Argue with reason against the opinion without stooping to attack the person with the position.
Imagine this person was sitting at a table with you and Jesus. Would you be willing to speak the same words you had just written? If not, then don’t type them either! Often when we sit behind our computer screens we become different people. People that are not representing Christ well.
Worldly-Influenced Comments
On the other end of the spectrum, I saw many Christians defend and praise the TV show for this decision. In their attempt to be kind and inclusive they had simply welcomed the world’s view instead of Christ’s view. These Christians are not willing to take a Biblical stance because it goes against what popular culture says is “right.”
Remember that we are not to be conformed to this world. Christ has set us apart.
Yes, that means we will be different. In fact, it will lead us to hold opinions that are scoffed at by those around us. But we must not step back. Christ is with us. Let’s agree with God and call evil “evil” and good “good.” Even if it does cost us a social media friendship or two!
Non-Christians Commenting On Christians
Finally, many non-Christians were commenting on the Christians who were commenting.
Christians were quick to condemn a show for portraying homosexuality but they had no problem watching shows where characters “hook up” for a night of meaningless sex, have divorces, affairs, and more.
If Christians are not going to watch (or let their kids watch) one type of sinful activity on TV, then why are they allowing numerous other sinful acts to be okay when viewed on a screen?
These unbelievers certainly have a point.
What Are We Watching?
Television over the past 8 decades has descended down a slippery slope. Of course, there has been forms of ungodly entertainment since the fall of Adam and Eve.
Now we just are able to watch that unbiblical entertainment 24/7 with ease and convenience. This can be perfectly soul-numbing for even the most committed of Christians.
The Show That God Used To End Our Netflix Subscription
When our first child was born in 2015, my husband and I started wrestling with a question: should we keep our Netflix subscription? We had already moved the TV out of the main living areas of our home. Now that we were watching TV even more rarely we started to wonder if we should just cut the last little bit.
On top of that, we had made the decision to raise our kids as completely screen-free as possible. (So far, so good-the main screen time they get is 15 minutes in Sunday School each week so I can’t complain too much!)
Which made it even more silly that we were paying to have TV services that we didn’t even use!
In February of 2018, we cancelled our Netflix subscription. It had been a long time coming. We had dragged our feet. Until one night…
We watched a Netflix Original show. In that episode, we watched a young girl receive an abortion with no negative consequences. In fact, it was glorified. And the reviews of praise for that show were astounding and saddening to put it mildly.
After a sleepless night of conviction, my husband and I made the decision to stop our Netflix subscription immediately. We have not looked back.
Evaluating the Media We Watch
What we watch affects us. Much more so than we are even willing to admit or can even notice.
Here’s the thing. I can’t tell you exactly what Christians should or should not watch on TV. The book of Proverbs doesn’t contain a list of movies and TV shows to avoid. (Kind of would be easier if it did…)
Instead, God calls us to test the spirits, to watch wisely over what we allow to pass before our eyes, and to focus our minds on what is good, honorable and pure among other qualities.
Since there isn’t a list of what to watch and not to watch, we should instead spend time evaluating what we watch. (This can extend beyond our television screens too!)
Questions to Ask Before You Begin Watching TV
Here are some great questions to evaluate what you are consuming on television and in movies.
Is God honored by my decision to watch this?
Before watching TV, consider if God is being honored by this decision.
As Christians, we easily skip over the “small” details of our life and concern ourselves with honoring God with the big areas of our life. You know, praying or raising our kids to honor God. Those are great areas to honor God! However, many Christians, myself included, often fail to consider what honors God in the smaller moments of our day. (Like Facebook scrolling time, snacking on junk food or binge watching the latest Netflix Original.)
If your finger is on the On button for your TV, stop and ask yourself if what you are about to do is honoring to God? If Jesus was sitting here physically in the room with you, would you be watching this show? Prayerfully consider how to honor God even when you do turn on your television.
Does this show portray Christian or Biblical values in some fashion?
Some shows have zero redeeming qualities for a Christian to watch. It is just that simple.
However, many other shows have mixed qualities. Merely because a show does not have a Christian title, does not mean it can’t be portraying Christian values at times. Of course, watching TV that still upholds a general Christian morality is becoming harder and harder to find!
When you do find a show that is demonstrating Christian or Biblical morality, enjoy watching that show with discernment.
If you are wanting help deciding what shows are even worth giving a chance, you should check out Plugged In. They review movies and TV shows from a Christian perspective. Especially if you are considering watching something with your kids around, this website will help you not only weed out which shows are worth your time but give you some help in discussing the issues brought up by the show with your kids.
When I am done watching this, will my heart be encouraged towards a closer relationship with God?
Everything we encounter in our day is either bringing us closer to God or moving us farther away. Our Christian faith doesn’t just sit in the idle mode.
When you are watching TV, ask yourself if the show you are watching is bringing you closer to God or pulling you further away?
Perhaps the snappy attitude of the mom on the show is starting to show in your own words to your kids?
Maybe the cynical remarks about God are causing you to question the Bible without encouraging you to do any beneficial research into those questions?
Possibly the romantic aspects of the relationships portrayed are giving you unrealistic expectations towards your husband.
Whatever it is, if the Holy Spirit is showing you that a show is drawing you away from God, drop that show. A few popular episodes is not worth wrecking your relationship with God or your family!
Is there something God might be wanting me to do right now besides watching this show?
Resting and watching TV is not necessarily evil. But watching a show when God is convicting you to do something else is wrong. Our flesh wants to be coddled. Setting in our comfy arm chair while binge watching shows is so easy! (Trust me, I know!)
All the more reason why we need to not gratify our flesh’s desires when God calls us away from the TV screen.
The more we listen to the Holy Spirit and follow His quiet leading, the more we will be sensitive to His leading in the future. Likewise, when we tune out His quiet voice, we find ourselves growing spiritually deaf to Him over time.
So, when you sit to watch a show, question your motives. Ask God if there is something else He wants you to do. If He doesn’t bring something to mind, then enjoy the time of rest. But realize that the more you ask this, the more likely God is going to show you other things He would prefer you doing. Even other ways He would have you to rest (that do not involve watching TV.)
Does this focus my thoughts on what is pure, lovely, holy, honorable, and of good repute?
Check out Philippians 4:8. In fact, post it over your television if you need to. When you are watching TV, ask yourself if the content you are viewing is pointing your mind to the attributes that Paul tells Christians to think on.
If what is on your screen is not helping your thought life to reflect Godly thoughts, turn off the TV!
Not Out Of Legalism But Out Of Love!
Remember, this list is just to get you thinking and prayerfully listening to God’s leading concerning your screen time decisions.
When God calls us to follow Him, He wants us to do so because we are so in love with Him, not because we are trying to check some “good behavior” to-do list off. While forming new habits and weeding out worldly influences is never easy to our flesh, it should be a delight to our soul.
Pray and ask God to give you the desire to only put what is honoring to Him before your eyes. Seek Him and His thoughts. Meditate on God and His Word. Over time, your taste and desire for TV shows, movies, and other media will start to wan.
A steady diet of junk food only leads to cravings of junk food. If we are only putting “junk food” into our spiritual palates, we won’t grow as Christian. Christ has loved us. Let us learn to love Him well by honoring Him in all our media choices!
Your Turn!
Have you ever found yourself watching TV and sensing God leading you to turn off a show?
What resources have you found helpful as you decide what media to spend time enjoying? If you have found a good resource, be sure to share it in the comments so the rest of us can use it too!
Thanks for stopping by!
Rose - MomLife Organizer
Amber I love this. I knew I wanted to read it but as I read I loved it more. This is something we struggle with, tv or no. My husband has been moved to watch even less (as you say not that we watch much either lol). There was a time we were tv-less but as the kids got older it crept in. Very thought=provoking!
Thank you so much Rose!