Spiritual Goal Ideas To Skyrocket Your Faith
Looking for spiritual goal ideas?
Perhaps you are staring at a blank sheet of paper trying to decide what spiritual goals you should set for the new year? Maybe it is July and you are in rut with your faith life and know that something needs to change.
Whatever the reason, here is a list of spiritual goal ideas that you can prayerfully consider!
Be sure to grab our free Set Your Spiritual Goals printable to help you take action with your spiritual goals.
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Spiritual Goal Ideas To Skyrocket Your Faith
Ready for fresh new spiritual goals to help you grow closer to Christ? Here are ideas to get you started!
Spiritual Goal Ideas To Improve Your Relationship With God
Set A Prayer Alarm
Schedule a time each day to pray. Set an alarm on your phone to remind you each day.
Keep A Prayer Journal
Find a pretty prayer journal and keep records of your prayer times. Go back often to see how God has answered prayers!
Learn To Listen
Once a week or even once a month, plan an hour or more retreat. No music, no tv, no podcasts, nothing. Just you and God talking and listening in the quiet.
Create A War Room
Set aside a portion of your house dedicated to prayer. When your prayer alarm goes off, this can be a quiet little sanctuary for you to get alone with God and have a conversation.
Spiritual Goal Ideas To Help You Know Your Bible Well
Memorize Bible Verses.
Pick verses that relate to something you are struggling with and memorize those verses. (For instance, if you are discouraged as a mom, memorize verses that will encourage your tired Mommy heart.)
Use The Bible Verses You Memorized.
Find practical ways to apply the Bible verses that you have memorized. For instance, say you memorized Colossians 3:2, “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” Find ways to cut back on earthly focuses that occupy your mind such as TV shows, Instagram, or gossiping with coworkers. Rather decide in advance how you will turn those times into opportunities to focus your mind on Christ and your relationship with Him.
Find A Bible Study Time
If you do not have an established daily Bible study routine, then take the time to make that happen. Set aside a time each day where you read and study a portion of the Bible. If you need help, grab the YouVersion app. Pick a Bible reading schedule that works for you. Best of all, you get stats that show you how many days in a row you have read and such. It is a great way to build a Bible study habit.
Create A Bible Study Journal
If you have an established Bible reading time but find that you can’t remember what you read 5 minutes later, then consider creating a Bible study journal. Study and rewrite in your own words what God was saying through His Word. If possible, look at ways this applied to the original receivers of the message and the applications it can have for your own life. To learn more how to do this well, I suggest you check out Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin. This book does well in training you how to study the Bible and learn from it.
Spiritual Goal Ideas To Reach Others With The Gospel
Pray For Your Unsaved Family Members
Start with those closest to you. Lift up the unsaved family members that you know in prayer. Trust that God will continue to soften their heart to the Gospel. Be ready and willing to show God’s love and speak God’s truth to them.
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Four Ways To Pray For Your Unsaved Family Members
Turn Conversations Toward Christ
You talk to people throughout the course of your normal day. Pray and ask God to help you turn those conversations towards Christ. If you are looking for resources to help you share your faith naturally, I suggest you check out Tactics by Greg Koukl and Questioning Evangelism
by Randy Newman. Both books provide great practical ideas that you can use to help turn every day small talk into a chance to share your faith.
Share Your Testimony
God has done a specific work in your life. Let the work He has done in changing your heart bring glory to Him by sharing your testimony with those who have walked through similar situations. Personally, I have walked through a miscarriage and it has opened doors to share God’s love and faithfulness to other young moms who have lost their baby. God can use your hurts and hard times as a doorway to share your faith with those who are lost and in need of the hope that only He can give.
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Spiritual Goal Ideals To Help You Learn More About Christianity
There is a lot of opposition to Christianity. Take time each week to learn why you believe what you believe. Don’t forget to share the truth that you learn in a loving and winsome manner with those around you!
Read A Christian Book Once A Month
Find lists of solid Biblical Christian books to read. If you don’t know where to start, I would suggest that you check out these great books for Christian women and this list of books that will train you how to defend your Christian faith. Other ideas to consider include reading a book a month about different missionaries from Christian history. Reading about their walk with God can do much to encourage your own.
Study Your Bible With Other Christians
Search around to see if there is a Bible study group that is committed to studying the Bible.
If there is not one around, prayerfully consider starting one. Pray that God will lead you to the right people to invite to join your group, then take action and invite them. Set a start date and an end date for a specific study. Depending on how it goes, continue to meet with your group over the long term. Remember that it is okay if a group ends up going separate ways eventually. God can use groups for seasons and then move you all along to start doing something new with other groups.
Spiritual Goal Ideas To Create Disciples
Start a Bible study with 3-5 younger ladies.
This idea might sound very similar to the one above but there is some distinct differences. In the case above, you are finding like-minded believers who are in relatively the same stage of spiritual maturity who are seeking to grow at the same time in similar ways.
In this case, you are seeking believers who are younger than you in both age and spiritual maturity. Pray that God will help you walk these younger believers through the questions and challenges that you have already been through. Say you are a mom with several kids who are in their later teens and already out of the house. Consider meeting with young moms who are just starting out. They can use encouragement and advice from a Godly mother as they navigate motherhood for the first time!
Spend Time With Your Kids Daily
If you are a parent, then you have a built-in, full-time discipleship gig right in your own home. Be intentional in daily discipleship with your kids. Lead them well so they can know and love the Lord too. Pray together for them. Read the Bible as a family. Discuss what God is teaching you when you go through rough patches. Live life together every day for the glory and honor of God. It sounds like a big deal because it is!
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Spiritual Goal Ideas That Encourage Spiritual Discipline
Taking a break from food or drink is not something that many Christians consider. It should be done carefully, especially if you have health problems. Perhaps God is calling you to take a day of every week and fast. Rather than focus on nourishing your physical body, seek to nourish your soul through the discipline of fasting.
Social Media Breaks
Maybe food is not your area of weakness or you find that fasting from food is not possible for your health conditions. Consider taking spiritual breaks from other areas of your life each week. One area that affects most Christian women today is the area of social media. Turn off the outside world for a day each week or a week each month. Instead spend that time studying the Bible or in your War Room praying or serving a friend in need. Trust that God will use your obedience to step away from the world in a profound way.
Tongue Management
Gossip is a real struggle, especially for many women in the church. What starts out as a harmless attempt at sharing a prayer request for a friend can turn into gossip session in the blink of an eye. Seek God’s help to curb your gossip desires this year. When gossip starts to happen around you, stay quiet or even remove yourself from the situation if possible. Study your Bible and learn what God’s Word has to say about the power of the tongue.
Whine Control
When our toddlers whine and complain, we find it grating but have we ever stopped to consider how it sounds when we whine to God? This doesn’t mean that we never bring our troubles and grievances to God but it does mean that we don’t needlessly whine about insignificant nothing. Or worse, complain about blessings that God has given us. Set a goal to spend time intentionally counting your blessings and praising God every single day.
Speaking of “whine” control, consider checking to see if you are held in bondage to addictions such as wine, chocolate, coffee, or other acceptable “guilty pleasure” substances. If you sense that there are areas that control your life in a way that only God should, then work to bring those under the control of Christ. If that means removing them entirely from your life, then so be it. Or, if God demonstrates that you can use them in moderation and honor Him, then cautiously move forward with using them sparingly. It is better to have a deeper relationship with Christ than a few stolen pleasures of your favorite coping treat for the hard days.
Spiritual Goal Ideas For Your Marriage
Have God-glorifying Sex
God-gloifying sex is sex that is accordance with what God says in the Bible. This means that sex only happens between a man and a woman in the state of marriage. Unbiblical sex includes sex outside of the marriage union, same-sex relationships, sexual abuse of those around you, and use of pornographic images in the place of your mate to name a few. If you aren’t married, this means that you honor God by staying pure until you are married. If you are married, this means working to honor God and find ways to enjoy sex as a couple.
Pray Daily For Your Spouse
Your spouse faces difficulties and inner turmoil every single day that you won’t fully know about or comprehend. Satan would love to undermine your spouse and leave them broken and alone. Pray for them every single day. Find verses that fit for their specific challenges and pray those verses over them. Lift up your conflicts and struggles with your spouse to God. Seek Him as to how He wants you to help your husband and you work through conflict.
Write Encouraging Notes
Oftentimes we stop thinking of ways to encourage our spouse. God has placed us in their live with an intimate view of what disheartens them. When you see them down, take time to write them notes and share verses of encouragement with them.
In good times, be sure to celebrate with them. Perhaps they had a sale happen at work that they really needed. Maybe a door opened for a new opportunity that they wanted. Whatever good happens, be sure to rejoice with them. Good news is best shared and enjoyed as a couple. Send them notes to know how incredibly proud you are of them and who God created them to be.
Spiritual Goal Ideas For Your Parenting
Focus On Daily Discipleship
In Deuteronomy, God commands parents to train and disciple their children every day in all sorts of situations. Often, parents can get lazy in the discipleship of their children. Between mountains of laundry, overdue homework assignments, and sports practices, we tend to forget that our main calling as parents is to train them to love and know the Lord. Let’s take time to daily disciple our children so they can grow up in their own faith in God too.
Read the Bible Together Daily
One of the best ways to ensure that both you and your kids are studying God’s Word is by studying God’s Word together. Set a time each day to gather as a family and read from the Bible. Ask your kids questions and let them ask you questions. Remember it is okay if you don’t know all the answers. Find those answers together so you can both learn from the Word at the same time!
Pray Together
Set a time once a day or once a week and spend time praying together with your child. It is a great way to disciple your kids in how to have an honest, open, and on-going relationship with their Savior.
Attend Church Weekly As A Family
Church attendance is not the only thing you should do as a family to strengthen your faith but it should play a powerful factor. Christians need community with other Christians. Find a Bible-believing and teaching church to attend together each week. Set out clothes the night before and have an easy breakfast planned so that you won’t feel so rushed or chaotic as you get everyone out the door to church.
Teach Your Kids To Have A Christian Worldview
Everyone is trying to tell your kids how to view the world around them. Train your children how to determine what ideas line up with a Biblical worldview. If you want help learning how to do this practically, grab a copy of Mama Bear Apologetics. This book helps moms of all ages and stages teach their kids to assess ideas and live by a Christian worldview.
Your Turn
Setting spiritual goals can help you become intentional in growing in your relationship with God. Pray and seek God’s leading on what goals you should consider setting as you move forward in your Christian walk.
What goals do you think God might be calling you to set?
Do you have other spiritual goal ideas that you would like to recommend? Please feel free to share them in the comments below!
So many great spiritual goal ideas here, amber! Thanks for putting this thought provoking post together!
Thanks for stopping by!