• Christian Womanhood

    Questions Christians Should Ask At The Beginning Of A New Year

      There are questions Christians should ask themselves when a new year or a new season begins. As Christians, we do not want to drift aimlessly through our life with no vision for our future. New seasons of life (or the new year) can sneak up on us rather quickly.  Life has a way of moving on whether we are ready for the changes or not. Perhaps you find yourself seeing seasons of life change more suddenly than you anticipated. When these changes come, we Christians should take time to draw away with the Lord and ask some questions.  It is impossible to have a vision for the future if…

  • Christian Womanhood

    10 Things To Cut Out So You Will Have Time For Bible Study

      Do you desire to have more time for Bible study? Does God’s Word captivate you yet your daily routine doesn’t allow for Bible study? Perhaps you want to study Scriptures but your schedule doesn’t make that possible leaving you guilty or frustrated? As a homeschool mom of four kiddos under seven, time seems to get gobbled up. I understand the desire to study Scriptures mixed with the utter frustration that there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day! According to Barna research in 2021, about 181 million Americans read their Bible at least some during the year but rarely more than once a week. As someone who…

  • Christian Womanhood

    Tips To Help You Focus On Your Bible Reading

    Whenever I sit down to read my Bible, I have the best of intentions. I open up to my prescribed Bible reading passage and take in the words before me….for a few minutes. Then, as I let my eyes continue to scan the page, my mind decides to wonder along to other topics. Topics like how much laundry do I need to finish today, where did I leave my lesson planner yesterday, what do I need to thaw for supper tonight, that meme I saw yesterday was funny, and even thoughts about the TV show I am currently wanting to binge watch. Suddenly, I realize I have zero focus on…

  • Christian Manhood

    7 People Every New Christian Needs To Know About

      Who are some people that new Christians need to know about as they grow in their faith? Find out below! The hardest part of first becoming a Christian was being dropped into 2000+ years of history, handed a Bible, and then told the Bible is easy-to-understand and I should just get it . Yeah, I didn’t get it. I was led to Christ with an NIV Bible. Immediately afterwards, I was told that I should only be reading the KJV Bible. Like I even knew the difference! The first time I went to church, they excommunicated someone!  Soon after, I’m watching a TV show, sweating bullets, because the characters…

  • Christian Womanhood

    Pitfalls To Watch Out For As You Set Spiritual Goals

    You have set spiritual goals. Yay!! 🙂 Now that you know what you aiming for, prepare yourself. You are going down a path that Satan wants to discourage you from. A path of growing in your relationship with God. You have an enemy who is roaming the earth like a raging lion seeking to destroy you. (1 Peter 5:8) Imagine the precautions you would take if you had a real-life lion tracking you! You would probably choose not to eat bacon if you knew a lion was sitting in the bushes besides your house. In fact, you would consider carrying a weapon to keep the lion at bay so that…

  • Ambitious Faith

    The Painful Truth Behind Being Too Busy To Study The Bible

      Sometimes we Christians will make statements that almost sound holy when we know they are not. Often, we want to excuse our less than holy and set apart behaviors with earthly excuses. Trust me, I get how easy it is! On any given day, I find myself rationalizing many things that are not healthy or wholesome to my relationship with God. But there is one in particular that I find we as Christian women will say more often than many others. I am too busy to read the Bible. If you are like me and have found this statement coming out of your mouth frequently, then read on!  …

  • Ambitious Faith

    How To Decide What Spiritual Goals To Set As A Christian Woman

      Deciding what spiritual goals to set can be exciting but it can also be a bit overwhelming. There are so many goals we can choose from! For some who are overwhelmed by the decision of what spiritual goals to set, they might just give up before they even start because narrowing down their options feel like too much! For others, they might decide what spiritual goals to set but they pick so many that eventually all are given up due to too much upkeep. Let’s look at simple ways to help us avoid these pitfalls in deciding what spiritual goals to set! (Also, stay tuned for the FREE workbook…

  • Ambitious Faith

    Why Christian Women Should Be Setting Spiritual Goals

      With the beginning of a new year about to dawn, we can enjoy letting our minds wander over all the possibilities this new chapter holds. Think about the many dreams you want to see turned into realities! However, like me, you are also facing reality. Within a few weeks of the new year starting, I will officially become a mom to three kids ages three and under. Certain dreams will definitely come true but others will just not be possible this year. This is just a symptom of this season of young motherhood. As we envision setting spiritual goals for this next year, let’s do so in the reality…

  • Ambitious Faith,  Ambitious Thought Life

    How To Be Better Prepared For The Next Time You Talk With An Unbeliever

      When Jesus left this earth to ascend back into Heaven, He left us with what is called the Great Commission. “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Ever since that time, Christians have been learning how to talk with an unbeliever about their faith.   Glimpsing The Importance Of Our Mission If you are worried that you might be the…

  • Uncategorized

    How To Pray For The Difficult People In Your Life

      Are there difficult people in your life who just makes everything miserable? Perhaps even the mention of their name gives you a tension headache? Maybe something happens to trigger a memory about what this person did. Instantly you are filled with anger and bitterness just as if it happened yesterday. Bitterness Is Planted Ten years ago, I was working at a local grocery store in town to pay my way through college. One day, due to a last-minute schedule change made my the head manager, I came in two hours later than the originally scheduled time. Unfortunately, the head manager that had made the change forgot to write it…