Resources To Help You Pray For the Persecuted Church
Right now the news is rolling in about the Christians who are facing persecution and death in Afghanistan. Many are wondering how to pray for the persecuted church. Most of us are aware that we can’t do much to help with the physical needs that our brothers and sisters in Christ are currently facing. However, we do know that there is one thing every Christian can do. We can pray for the persecuted church. If you are anything like me, you want to pray for the persecuted Christians. Often we don’t know how or what to pray for! We set out to pray together as a family and I…
Bible Verses To Pray For Your Unsaved Family
Do you find it challenging knowing what to pray for when it comes to your spiritually lost relatives? Below are some Bible verses to pray for your unsaved family members! Praying For Our Unsaved Family Members As a Christian, it can be so hard to watch our unsaved family members walk a life apart from God. We grieve that they have not yet seen their need for a personal relationship with Jesus. Perhaps they even openly mock or deny even the idea that God exists. To watch unsaved family live without hope for eternal life with Christ is heart-wrenching. Many times, we try to pray for our family members…
How To Pray For The Difficult People In Your Life
Are there difficult people in your life who just makes everything miserable? Perhaps even the mention of their name gives you a tension headache? Maybe something happens to trigger a memory about what this person did. Instantly you are filled with anger and bitterness just as if it happened yesterday. Bitterness Is Planted Ten years ago, I was working at a local grocery store in town to pay my way through college. One day, due to a last-minute schedule change made my the head manager, I came in two hours later than the originally scheduled time. Unfortunately, the head manager that had made the change forgot to write it…
The War On Prayer: Why Christian Women Need To Be Prayer Warriors
During dinner this evening, my husband and I were discussing a certain picture that had caught our eye in a recent news article we had both read. The picture was of some protesters holding a sign that said, “Thoughts. Prayers. Actions.” The World’s View Of Prayer Of course, I realize that the protesters pictured in this article were trying to make a point that they wanted a certain action to be taken. However, the idea behind the words on their sign stuck with both my husband and I as a strong picture of the world’s view of prayer. In our modern culture, prayer is viewed in many of the…
The Five Resources That Improved My Prayer Life
What Christian woman doesn’t want a better prayer life? We are relationship-orientated creatures to begin with and we crave the relationship with our Creator and Lord most of all. Yet, somehow the precious time of communication with God is often pushed to the side when it is what we need the most in our busy, frustrating, crazy lives. Honestly, I wish I could say that my prayer life was so much better when I was single with no husband or kids threatening every quiet moment of my life but that was not the case. Yes, I had the opportunity for many more quiet times with God but I failed…
Why Prayer Needs To Be A Christian’s Knee Jerk Reaction
Do you ever wonder why Christians are supposed to pray? Why do we need to tell God our needs even if He already knows what we need before we ask? Does God even hear and answer our prayers? Should I really talk to God about the seemingly small “stuff” in my life? During the course of the writing of that first paragraph, my daughter approached me to ask if she could “swish” a dog hair in the trash can, brought me a book that so we could read together, and is currently sitting in my lap “helping” me type this post. As her mom, I am thrilled that I am…
Prayers to Pray in Every Room of Your Home
Do you hear stories of mothers who are prayer warriors for their children, their husband, their friends, and their church families? Ever feel like you fall short in that area? I know this is true for me! Prayer Warrior-In-Training It is really hard to sit down for a time of focused prayer when two little kids want my attention. If the kids are sleeping, I must admit that my prayer times often turn to nap times if I sit still for 30 seconds or so. Plus, my mind wanders to things I should be doing and I get distracted from actually praying. Honestly, my biggest problem, I just simply forget…
4 Ways to Pray for Your Unsaved Family Members
Family reunions. Those words can strike terror in the hearts of anyone because let’s face it, family can lead to messy relationships even in the best of situations. Where else do you get to encounter people who have so much in common with you, are permanently connected to you through blood or marriage, and who can so thoroughly drive you crazy at the same time? This intense family dynamic can be intensified greatly when you add the factor of your Christian faith into the mix. Perhaps you have been blessed with a close and extended family who are for the most part believers. Wonderful! That makes those relationships something…