Ambitious Faith,  Ambitious Thought Life

Thought of the Week-July 7, 2017

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“Lukewarm people don't really want to be saved from their sin; they want only to be saved from the penalty of their sin.” ― Francis Chan, Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God

Yesterday, my 18 month old lost a button off the back of her shirt. I didn’t notice it missing until after lunch time. That left a whole six hour time frame of when she could have lost it! My Mommy alert kicked into high gear. This was a tiny, shiny red button. It was total choking hazard 101!

After several deep breaths to keep myself from panicking, I started a thorough search of our house. As I searched it occurred to me that I had seen the button as I rubbed her back before nap time on the couch. Sure enough, underneath the couch cushions was a bright shiny red button. Whew! (Let’s not talk about all the other stuff I found under that cushion! 🙂 )

However, it made me start thinking. When I view something that could cause harm or death to one of my children, I react immediately. It is my job as their mother to protect and keep them safe from dangers, especially dangers they cannot see for themselves!

It is amazing how often I remove dangers from her life that she will never know or notice. But what about sin? The consequences of sin is death! Am I treating sin in my own life (and the lives of my children) with just as serious of concern as I did when I knew that button posed a potential choking hazard? The simple answer to that is No.

Therefore, as God has been prompting me, I have been praying that He will reveal sin in my own heart and life. And He has definitely shown me areas that I need to surrender back to Him. Thankfully, He walks beside me and lovingly guides me through the painful process. God’s love is indeed amazing and rich!!

This next week, let us seek after God and ask Him to pinpoint sin in our lives that needs addressing.

God desires us to live fully for Him and that is impossible if we continue to cling to sinful ways. Let’s seek to weed out sins through the Holy Spirit’s help.

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