Ambitious Faith

How To Use The Bible Verses You Have Memorized

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How To Use The Bible Verses You Have Memorized #Bibleverses #memoryverses #Bible #Christianliving

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When I was in my church’s Confirmation Class as a young teenager, my pastor introduced me to the Topical Memory System.

During the course of my time in that class, I memorized 50 plus important Bible verses and learned about their context. It was a great exercise to help me grow in my knowledge of the Bible. And more importantly, I still have the majority of those verses committed to memory over 15 years later!

As the years have gone on, I have used the same system to put away more Bible verses.

But, I started to wonder why I was bothering to put in the work of memorizing Bible verses. I mean, it is not getting easier the older I get. Plus, I have several Bibles in my house not to mention I have access to just about every imaginable Bible translations on my phone.

Why We Need To Keep Memorizing Bible Verses

Perhaps you are like me and wonder why we should put in the time and energy into memorizing Scripture.

Well, there are several longer answers to that question but the short answer is that God wants us to!

God tells us to hide His word away in our hearts. And if this is something that God commands of us as Christians then there has to be a reason!

Also, I will state that I do believe it is important for Christians to be prepared. Just because we have heavy access to Bibles right now, you never know when there might be a situation arise where that won’t be the case. I have even heard stories of those who go to mission fields in countries where Bible ownership is illegal. They rely on their large amount of memorized Scripture to pass along God’s word to unbelievers.

While the Lord may never put us in such a situation as that, you never know when you might need to even call up some Bible verses as you visit with an unbeliever at work or some other completely random scenario.

Trust that God will make use of the Bible verses that you faithfully commit to memory over the years.

How To Use The Bible Verses You Have Memorized #Bibleverses #memoryverses #Bible #Christianliving

How To Use The Bible Verses That You Have Already Memorized

God can use your store of Scripture in any imaginable way but here are some simple ways that you can start making use of the verses you already know!

Use The Bible Verses To Calm Your Mind

Perhaps you are like me and have a mind prone to anxious thoughts, especially around bedtime!

When I was going through a season of severe health problems and panic attacks, God prompted me to start intentionally focusing on rehearsing all the Bible verses I knew whenever the anxiety was starting to overwhelm me. Over time, the anxiety would lessen as I started to focus my mind back on God and His Word.

Whether you are fighting serious depression and anxiety or just good old daily life anxiety, try to make a point to rehearse your Bible verses. You will be amazed by how God can use the Bible verses that you have memorized to calm your racing mind.

Use The Bible Verses As Prayer Prompts

Have you ever felt stumped about what to pray next? Maybe you just don’t know how to pray about a certain situation. Go over the Bible verses that you have memorized in the past. Often, you will be amazed by how memorized Scripture can be turned into prayers to help you grow as a prayer warrior (link).

For instance, say you have memorized Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understand but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.”

Now, say you have an important decision that you are struggling to make. You can turn these verses into a prayer such as, “Dear Lord, please help me to trust you with all my heart. Don’t let me just rely on my own understanding to make this decision. Instead, help me to acknowledge you in every step of this decision. Please direct me onto the path you want me to take. Amen.”

Bible verses can be a wonderful way to align our prayers with God’s Word and can help us know better what and how to pray.

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Use the Bible Verses Naturally In Conversation

Imagine you are having a conversation with someone. As the conversation is naturally flowing, you get an inkling that God is leading you to share some Biblical truth with this person. Unfortunately, you don’t remember any exact verses and find yourself shying away from sharing about the topic due to lack of knowledge.

When we have memorized Scripture, God can bring specific passages to mind for times when we need them. In addition to being able to share these truths easier, it gives us boldness to actually speak up when we already know the verses in question.

Rather than awkwardly flipping through our Bible or googling verses on our phone, we can just continue the flow of the conversation as we address the situation that God has brought before us.

Use The Bible Verses To Aid Your Bible Study Time

As you study new passages in Scripture, think about how the verses you have memorized in the past might be connected with the verses you are currently reading.

Also, be sure to find new verses to memorize to help you remember what God has been teaching you recently. This will in turn help you find more connections over the years that you spend studying Scripture.

And when you have verses memorized, it will make cross referencing Bible verses so much easier!

Use the Bible Verses To Disciple Other Christians

As Christians, we are called to mentor and disciple younger believers. During times of discipleship, having memorized passages that you can bring up and discuss is a great benefit. Again, not every time a conversation comes up will you have a Bible readily available.

Also, now you can demonstrate the beauty of memorizing Scripture to the young Christian you are mentoring. Perhaps you can even start memorizing verses together to help them grow further in their own walk with God!

Use The Bible Verses To Decorate Your Home

When my husband and I were first married, we lived in a tiny apartment that had some very bare white walls that we were not allowed to make holes in for anything. After staring at blank bleak walls for a couple of weeks, I decided something had to be done. So I grabbed some extra scrapbook paper and in my fanciest (horrible) hand writing, I starting writing out Bible verses and taping them everywhere.

Bible verses about eating were in our kitchen nook. Calming Bible verses were in our bedroom. Work related Bible verses in our little office area. The living room was reserved for Bible verses about guarding our minds and our eyes (because the tv was in that room.)

Thankfully, we have moved on from that apartment and my simple (and tacky) looking decorations. But even now, I still love filling my walls with Bible verses. Just now they are framed and not in my own handwriting so everyone can read them! 🙂

What I love most about hanging memorized Bible verses around my house is the fact that it helps keep those verses fresh in my mind as I still see them multiple time throughout my day.

No matter your home’s style, try to find ways to incorporate your Bible verses into your decor!

Use The Bible Verses To Encourage Others

Write encouraging notes filled with verses that you have memorized in the past. Send these little snippets of Scripture to work with your husband. Pack them in lunches for your kids. Include them with a meal for someone recovering from an illness. Slip them into a birthday present for a friend.

God didn’t give us His Word so that only we could enjoy it. He means for us to spread it to others around us! Honestly, this is probably my favorite way to use the Bible verses I have memorized which is why I saved it for last. 🙂

Let’s share God’s love in His own words with those who come into our lives every single day!

A Resource To Check Out

Recently I found out that the Topical Memory System is still available. (Believe it or not, they have updated the look since the last time I bought it over 15 years ago…) Anyways, my age aside, I was so excited to see this resource is still available! In just a few years, my own kids will be old enough that we will be able to use it with them.

The Topical Memory System gives you little cards in a carrying case to help you easily take them where ever you go in your day. You can choose from many different Bible versions. Originally, I started memorizing in KJV but quickly switched over to the NIV because I found the language so much easier to memorize.

Your Turn

Do you have some favorite ways to keep your memorized Bible verses fresh in your mind?

What are some ways that God has used memorized Scripture to impact your daily life?

Please share your favorite Bible verse below in the comments and be sure to pin this post for later!

Thanks for stopping by!


How To Use The Bible Verses You Have Memorized #Bibleverses #memoryverses #Bible #Christianliving
How To Use The Bible Verses You Have Memorized #Bibleverses #memoryverses #Bible #Christianliving

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